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Families celebrate Youth Day

Mohlakeng residents come together to celebrate Youth Day in a meaningful way.

A Mohlakeng family celebrated Youth Day with one mission in mind – to reunite the community and express the importance of family.

Tshepiso Lebusa, who organised an event, stated that the day brought together community members along with long-lost cousins who all celebrated Youth Day.

More than 30 people attended the event to strengthen the fabric of culture, youth, tradition and family history. Tshepiso said they shared meaningful stories, traditions and jokes and they also shared valuable food recipes.

“The aim was to create an opportunity to speak about the youth and to build cross-generational relationships with the community,” Tshepiso said.

“There are so many broken families, not only in Randfontein, but everywhere. We have to work to mend the relationships and by doing that, all families can celebrate Youth Day the way it was intended. Reunions offer a significant connection to our past. It reminds us of where we come from and gives a sense of belonging to something bigger than ourselves,” she concluded.

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