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Feed the Need soup kitchen keeps feeding the hungry

The NPO helps children in the community with soup and bread.

Feed the Need soup kitchen did its part for the community once again.

Koekie Alie, founder of the NPO explained after she stopped working at the age of 40, she started cooking every Mandela Day. She noted it was either soup or corn and beans which she cooked for 67 minutes that day.

In 2019 she had to give up the soup kitchen due to Covid. This year she asked a few other community members to help out and continue the outreach and take it further by starting a soup kitchen in the process. They then decided on the name Feed the Need soup kitchen.

At first, they cooked three times a week for the children in the community. Currently, this is a struggle since they lost their sponsors for supplies. They are asking help from the councillors in this regard and they have a few people and businesses in the community helping out.

She added they would like to thank everyone who contributes for their support. She noted she hopes they can make a bigger difference in the community by cooking more days a week, now they only cook on Fridays as the school comes out earlier.

“We would like to ask if there is someone out there who wants to help us to accommodate these children with a plate of food. It is heart-wrenching to see how our children have to go a night with hungry stomachs,” said Koekie.

They ask the community to help with items such as rice, maizemeal, beans, vegetables, canned fish, and soya.

“We would like to fill a hungry tummy,” added Koekie.

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