Help Leah hear

Amanda Strydom needs donations to afford her daughter the opportunity to fully hear.

Amanda Strydom, a mother from Westonaria, dreams of a world where her daughter can hear her voice.

Five-month-old Leah Strydom was born with bilateral congenital hearing loss due to a maternal infection during Amanda’s pregnancy.

Amanda continued by explaining that Leah requires bilateral hearing aids for optimal speech and language development. According to her, various hearing aids suitable for infants range from R35 000 to R50 000 but although the family transitioned to a new medical aid that contributes to the cost of a hearing aid, they still need donations to get Leah her own set.

“Given her age, older technology is more suitable. There are three distinct configurations available. The most economical choice is the battery-operated set priced at R35 190. However, it necessitates weekly battery replacements,” Amanda stated.

Leah Strydom needs donations for a hearing aid.

While 19 weeks pregnant with Leah, Amanda was hospitilised with Influenza A. She claimed a 24-week scan revealed that Leah’s head measurements lagged by two weeks.

She further explained that Leah was born without any indications of hearing loss. However, she failed the hearing test two days after being born.

Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) along with Auditory Steady-State Response (ASSR) tests confirmed that Leah had about 30% hearing loss in both ears.

“Receiving medical confirmation that your precious baby will face challenges throughout her life can evoke a sense of personal failure. However, in a moment of quiet reflection and clarity, I shifted my perspective. Instead of asking, ‘Why me? Why my baby?’, I considered, ‘Why not me? Why not my baby?’. This perspective shift led me to ponder the uniqueness of being entrusted with such a special soul,” Amanda expressed.

She further offered advice for mothers struggling with the same difficulties. She stated that pregnant women must distance themselves from sickly individuals. She also advised pregnant women to wear masks.

“In the face of similar challenges it is essential to remember that if God has brought you to it, He will guide you through it,” she concluded.

If any donations can be made go to Amanda’s Back-a-Buddy page or send an email to

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