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SPCA warns of fireworks during festive season

The organisation said their kennels were filled within hours because some of the animals would escape their yards and go into the streets when the fireworks went off.

With the festive season currently upon us, people in different parts of Rand West are reminded to be mindful of animals when using fireworks, especially during this time of the year.

This is word from RandWest SPCA chairperson Brenda Eloff who spoke to the Randfontein Herald about the dangers of using fireworks.

“Fireworks are a massive problem this time of the year. Not only are they dangerous for dogs and cats, but they are dangerous for all animals including birds in the sky. People need to think twice before shooting their crackers because animal ears are very sensitive.

“Just last year alone we had a huge problem where our kennels were filled within hours, and that’s because animals would get scared and escape their yards when the fireworks went off.

“As a result, they’d run to the streets and we were fortunate enough to have had a team of people driving around the streets at that time and were able to pick up the animals and take them to the kennels until they found a new home,” said Eloff.

She added the following tips that people need to take into consideration:

• Ensure all animals have identification. If micro-chipped ensure details are registered and up to date
• If possible, stay home with them if you suspect fireworks are going to go off
• If you can’t be home with them, keep them inside and preferably in a room such as the kitchen where the windows are higher and more difficult to jump through
• Attempt to mask any noise by drawing curtains and playing calming music at a reasonable volume
• Put familiar and comforting things around them such as toys and baskets
• Provide them with something to do such as giving your dog a chewy bone or lots of catnip or a catnip toy for felines
• If your pets do react badly to fireworks, then seek professional advice from your veterinarian
• Ensure your pets have a hearty and nutritious meal around nightfall. This will make them more likely to be sleepy

“Please be prepared and familiarise yourself with police contact details and local CPF groups as well as your local SPCA’s emergency details for when you come across an injured and/ or distressed animal. Also, obtain your local veterinarian’s details.

“If you come across a frightened animal due to fireworks, our outside kennels at the Randfontein and Westonaria branches are open 24/7 where such animals can be placed. If not possible, please try and keep the animal safe and calm till such a time that the owner can be located or any other way of assistance,” she concluded.

The following contact details were also made available for residents to use in a time of need where animals are concerned:

• Randfontein office can be reached on 011 412 3114
• Westonaria office can be reached on 078 911 0789

The following contact details can also be used in cases of an emergency – 078 911 0538 and 073 214 7451.

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