SPCA teaches school kids to care for animals

The local SPCA has intensified awareness campaigns involving animal welfare in Rand West City.

The RandWest SPCA has increased its efforts to educate society about animal welfare and recently visited two schools in their jurisdiction.

The schools visited were Izanokhanyo Primary School in Simunye and Randfontein Primary School (REM) in Greenhills.

RandWest SPCA manager Naomi de Beer said their field officers and inspectors were hands on deck and interacted with the learners.

“We taught them basic animal care and what it means to work for the SPCA. Izanokhanyo Primary grade six learners received tips from our team on how to take care of their pets and the consequences that come with neglecting or abusing an animal. We also informed them on where to report cases of animal cruelty as well.

“We were also invited to Randfontein Primary School’s career day where we spoke about what we do as the SPCA, and why it’s important for people to take care of their pets,” said De Beer.

De Beer is now full of hope that the youth will spread the message to others.

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