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Myburgh Foundation makes big sanitary towel donation

Close to 150 sanitary packs were distributed among the female youth of Toekies and Mohlakeng recently.

The Myburgh Foundation welcomed Spring by distributing a total of 144 sanitary packs to young girls in and around the Toekomsrus and Mohlakeng areas.

Speaking to the Randfontein Herald, the child and youth co-ordinator at the foundation Cindy Christian, said the spring drive forms part of their commitment to social upliftment within the different communities in Rand West City.

The handover was made on September 2.

Nearly 150 sanitary packs were donated. Photo submitted.

“The reason we decided to do this is we know there are girls in need when it comes to sanitary pads in Toekomsrus. Our main goal was essentially meant to make things a lot easier on them and I’m glad we decided to embark on this drive. We also went to Mohlakeng to give out sanitary towels after one of our members identified some people who were in need in the area.

“This sanitary towel initiative is our way of attempting to make a positive difference in the lives of our youth,” said Christian.

She added that they will be engaging in various community initiatives over the remainder of the spring season.

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