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Drug hot spot identified in Toekies

The Toekomsrus community has identified a hotspot where drugs are rife and school kids hang out which is of major concern.

A deserted building in Toekomsrus has become a major headache for residents who identified it as a hot spot for drug dealers and users alike. Some residents have even noticed school learners hang out there which is of major concern.

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This is according to the Myburgh Foundation Community Safety Unit founder and operations manager Randy Christian, who said they’ve tried on numerous occasions to locate the owner to find a way forward.

The building is a safety hazard for the local community,” Christian said.

The Randfontein Herald along with Christian recently visited the building which is situated along Kliniek Street and one can tell where the safety concerns emanate from. There are overgrown grass and graffiti on the walls while the place, which used to operate as a shop, does make for an easy hiding spot.

Myburgh Foundation Community Safety Unit founder and operations manager Randy Christian at the entrance of the deserted building.

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“This building has been like this for some time now and it is a hot spot for a string of social ills in our community. It is also quite popular among school children as some of them frequent this place when they want to bunk school – that is because it is somewhat isolated. We also know that drug dealers are using this spot to deliver their drugs,” he said.

He added that their efforts to locate the owner have been fruitless over the years and are they hoping that the owner will come forward soon.

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“We’ve tried to locate the owner of the building on numerous occasions but unfortunately, we haven’t succeeded thus far. We need to know at least what must be done with the building and if it will be fixed or sold but we can’t just demolish it either. It also cannot just stand as is because it is being utilised for social ills,” Christian concluded.

Another resident and business owner, who wished to remain anonymous, said she had to close down her daycare because the building was a safety risk for the children.

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