CrimeKidsLocal newsPrimary School

Bekkersdal school gets pep talk on safety

Learners at a Bekkersdal school were addressed about the different types of social ills plaguing some schools throughout the country.

Bekkersdal Police recently hosted a school and road safety awareness campaign to sensitise learners about the different types of social ills plaguing some schools throughout the country.

The campaign was held at Maputle Primary School on Friday, March 10, and roped in different stakeholders including the Department of Community Safety and the Rand West City Public Safety among others.

Also read: Westonaria Police continue demonstrations, safety talks at another school

Bekkersdal Police spokesperson Sergeant Linkie Lefakane said the purpose of the campaign was aimed to ensure that learners feel safe around their school.

During this time, the officers tackled numerous issues on the day, such as bullying, substance abuse, and sexual offense-related topics among others

Learners at the school listened attentively to officials from different stakeholders who were addressing them about school and road safety. Photo submitted.

Social Crime and Prevention Officer Sergeant Kamogelo Banda also addressed learners about the dangers of bullying.

Also read: Westonaria police hold school safety talk

“Bullying can be physical and verbal and it starts small and later it can destroy and break a person. Let us love and respect one another, above all respect our teachers and our school,” said Banda.

Meanwhile, officer Mathile from Rand West City Public Safety spoke to the learners about road safety and urged them to always observe the road before crossing to the other side.

She also discouraged them from sitting in the front passenger seat, as this poses a danger for them should a vehicle get involved in an accident.

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