Police hold talks with Glenharvie community, visits W’aria High

Police had a talk with learners of Westonaria High School about discipline, bullying in schools and substance abuse among others while the community of Glenharvie were addressed about crime in the area recently.

Police in the West Rand District together with other relevant stakeholders visited Westonaria High School to conduct a school talk. An awareness campaign was also held in the small town of Glenharvie.

Also read: W’aria Police visit seven schools in Adopt-a-cop initiative

Police officers also took to the streets and engaged with residents regarding the different crimes happening in their communities. Photo submitted.

This was to address Grade 9 and 10 learners on pertinent issues such as discipline, bullying in schools, and substance abuse among others, as well as sensitise the community about crimes happening in their area.

Also read: Bekkersdal Police engage with schools, community

Westonaria Police spokesperson Sergeant Audrey Sefara said issues including missing persons and human trafficking were also tackled among others.

Some of the items found on learners. Photo submitted.

“Most learners go missing over the weekend and that causes a lot of missing person reports to be filed,” said Sergeant Sefara.

She added that law enforcement officers also conducted a school search with the assistance of four dogs (Narcotics unit) and K9 handlers to check for substances presumed to be drugs and dangerous weapons. They also took to the streets of Glenharvie where they began at the police station to assist the community with administration.

They then drove around the area to inform the community of criminal activities happening within the area such as hijackings, house robberies, armed robberies, and housebreaking and theft. During this time, a total of one hundred pamphlets were distributed while engaging with the community.

West Rand District Police Commissioner Major General Fred Kekana commended all officers for going the extra mile to enforce the law and intensifying safety measures through community engagements.

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