Local newsMunicipal

Potholes a danger, municipality gambling with our lives – Finsbury resident

A motorist and business owner says he and others constantly have to dodge and weave potholes which are damaging tyres, rims and ultimately, endangering lives.

The state of the roads in Rand West City and its surrounding areas are dilapidating and have been a thorn in the side of residents and motorists alike.

A motorist driving on the Main Road in Finsbury has to risk driving onto oncoming traffic, to avoid damaging their tyres in the humongous potholes.

This was evident during an interview with local Finsbury resident and business owner Des Stoltz who said that he together with the surrounding community members constantly have to dodge and weave potholes which are damaging tyres, rims and ultimately, endangering lives.

Also read: Municipality springs into action this festive season; potholes across town targeted

“The municipality is gambling with our lives. These potholes have been here for more than six months, and we are just subjected to them like we don’t pay our rates and taxes. The municipality never wants to do anything for their town. Their workers are always laying around and work only when it suits them. We are the ones who have to bear the brunt of having such roads in our communities. Dent rims and burst tyres is the end result and no one seems to care. This is a real mess, it stays a mess and will forever be a mess,” said Stolz.

Also read: Potholes resurface across Rand West City after heavy rains

Rand West City Local Municipality (RWCLM) spokesperson Phillip Montshiwa said the municipality has a plan to tackle potholes throughout its region vigorously.

“Potholes are a problem and a national one at that, however, we do have plans of filling them up and rehabilitating our roads. We have just been inundated with electrical problems, but our relevant department has committed itself to fixing the roads.

“They already have started in different streets and will be moving to other areas,” said Montshiwa who added that some of the roads are national road and will be attended to by the relevant bodies.

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