Bekkersdal Police engage with schools, community

The purpose behind this was to ensure safety at the school and re-establish the good relationship between the community and police.

Bekkersdal Police together with different law enforcement agencies recently clamped down on lawlessness in different schools around the area.

This comes as they held a search and talk initiative at Seatile Primary School on Wednesday, November 2, where they tackled pertinent issues around teenage pregnancy, bullying, gambling, the Child Justice Act, theft, road safety and sexual offences among other social ills.

The search and talk initiative was in partnership with the Department of Health, Gender Based Violence brigades, Community Policing Forums and Community patrollers among others.

According to West Rand District Police spokesperson Captain Raymond Sebonyane no dangerous weapons or illegal substances were found during the school search.

“No illegal substances were found so law enforcement officers continued with a community engagement crime awareness campaign thereafter. We went on to target areas around the Bekkersdal taxi rank, Simune Extension 1 taxi rank, Simunye Extension 3 and 5. During this time, we interacted with community members and distributed pamphlets that contained pertinent information regarding what we were focusing on.

“The issues in question include gender based violence, domestic violence, drugs and alcohol abuse, human trafficking, sexual offences and infrastructure damage,” said Captain Sebonyane who added that the purpose of this was also to re-establish the good relationship between the community and police.

He further encouraged community members to work hand in hand with the police in the fight against crime and not take matters into their own hands.

Community members can report criminal activities immediately to the police by contacting Crime Stop Number on 08600 10111 or information may be communicated via the MySAPS App or SMS number 32211 and remain anonymous.

Bekkersdal Police together with other stakeholders had a talk with learners from Seatile Primary School and unpacked pertinent issues, around bullying, teenage pregnancy and gambling among others. Photo submitted.
Law enforcement officials conducted a search operation at Seatile Primary School. No weapons or illegal substances were found during this time. Photo submitted.
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