Local news

Old age home hosts exciting funfair

The event was initially held annually but Covid put a damper on the tradition.

Friendship Haven hosted its fun fair at their premises in West Porges and local residents came out in their numbers to support the old age home.

This fundraising event on August 27 started at 09:00 and ended at 15:00, and attracted young and old.

Different food stalls were set up and there was a potjiekos competition.

Piet Schemel and Piet van der Merwe cooking up a storm.

According to Friendship Haven’s labour relations officer Annamarie Kotze, they couldn’t host the fun fair for the past few years owing to the Covid-19 pandemic.

We are very excited to host this event for the first time in two years. We used to hosted our fun fair every year before Covid-19 happened. It put a damper on things and affected not only this annual event but our operations as a whole.

Eunandie Greyling and Willie Kuhn enjoying the fun fair with their puppy.

“We were so excited when things finally got back to normal. What stood out for us is the support we received from people as well as the support we got from the different businesses in our region. We really are thankful toward everyone for all donations we received – big and small,” said Kotze who added that it took them six weeks to organise the event and ensure its success.

The money from the ticket sales will be allocated to a great cause and will also help the old age home, which took a knock financially during the different stages of lockdown.

Elchani Burger and Siobhan Burger enjoyed the food offered by the different stalls.
Tshedimogo jnr, Tshedimogo snr and Ontlametse Mitshane will be attending the next fun fair.
Elsa Els and Makayla Taylor enjoying their time together.

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