Rand Water maintenance: More residents speak up

More residents gave their views about the Rand Water maintenance that started on June 22.

Residents were asked their opinions regarding Rand Water’s planned maintenance.

Dennis Hlatswayo told the Randfontein Herald that maintenance should not be classified as a bad thing only.

“Maintenance is much needed and therefore I am grateful it is being done. However, when they switch off the water, we would appreciate a schedule of some sort. They never send out any notice, so preparing for the water shortages is very difficult.

“I do understand that they need to maintain infrastructure, but they have to notify us. What time during the day will they switch the water off and for how long? Sometimes the kids forget to turn the taps off because there is no water. When the water comes back on, the water starts running,” Hlatswayo claimed.

Andries George.

Resident Andries George said that he is struggling during the water shortages. According to him, as a 74-year-old man who is currently relying on his pension, he has to pay younger people to fetch him drums of water. He also added that he cannot fully trust the younger people to bring him water without running away with the money.

Bontle Mosinki.

“I think it is a good thing. It is good to know that they are maintaining the infrastructure to provide us with clean water. I hope the measures that they put in place prove to be sufficient enough to look after those without water, such as the water tankers. The maintenance that they are currently doing will be for a good cause in the future,” Bontle Mosinki stated.

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