Residents give their opinion on Rand Water’s planned maintenance

With Rand Water's planned maintenance to continue until the end of next month, residents share their thoughts on the effect it will have on them.

Rand Water’s planned maintenance is expected to continue until July 29.

With Rand West City confirmed to be one of the towns affected, the Ranfontein Herald hit the streets to find out what residents had to say.

Lerato Sesia.

Lerato Sesia said, “It is going to affect me, it is not good.”

Thabo Makhetha.

Thabo Makhetha added, “It will affect us. We have to bathe, work and cook. Water is essential, everyone needs it. Lack of water can cause diseases. The water these days is also not as clean as it used to be. Being short of water is not good.”

Miriam Motaga.

Miriam Motaga het gesê, “As daar nie water is nie, hoe gaan ons werk? Ons kan niks maak sonder water nie.’”

Gerda Swanepoel het bygevoeg, “As ons solank kan reg maak en solank ons nie weke sonder water moet wees nie, is dit nie ‘n probleem nie. Die munisipaliteit moet ook aan die ou mense dink wanneer hulle die water afsit. Ou mense kan nie met kanne loop nie.”

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