
Mayor has high praise for water supply in the West Rand District

The State of the District Address touched on a few concerning municipal matters.

The State of the District Address was recently held in the Imbizo Chamber where the Executive Mayor of the West Rand District Municipality (WRDM), TM Bovungana, highlighted current issues and possible resolutions.

The first matter brought up by Bovungana was the importance of voting which is around the corner on May 29.

He further mentioned that it is important to protect honesty in the electoral process so that every voice can be heard. According to Bovungana, the residents’ vote guides the nation to a better future.

Bovungana then spoke about the state of the district. He stated that the government has been working to strengthen the resources of provinces and municipalities, to tackle South Africa’s social and economic problems. Therefore, he claims that they have implemented a variety of programmes that are focused on service delivery.

This will include collaboration between districts and municipalities to address service delivery problems. Bovungana continued by mentioning the key initiatives and developments.

According to Bovungana, the water supply in the West Rand District is worth high praise. He added that sanitation is adequate in urban areas. After this remark, he continued explaining that the district will develop regional plans to ensure the good execution of waste management, minimisation, recycling and safe disposal. He then mentioned expanding the water structure so that residents have access to clean water while managing water resources.

Bovungana confirmed that challenges connecting communities to the electricity grid persist, however, efforts to address the problems are underway. Accordingly, the district has implemented the Energy Action Plan to focus on minimising output and investing in renewable energy to ease the energy crisis.

Councillors at the State of the District Address.

Another problem that was brought up, was the road infrastructure.

Bovungana stated that grant funding for the implementation of Road Asset Management Systems (RAMS) has been provided. He explained that the RAMS grant will aim to create employment opportunities and enhance the capacity of district municipalities in transport planning and infrastructure expenditure prioritisation.

In October 2023, the West Rand District Municipality, in collaboration with the Department of Education (DOE), visited three schools to spread awareness about road safety.

In terms of infrastructure development, Bovungana claimed that they have been discussing the revitalisation of the railway network within the district. The Neighbourhood Development Partnership Grant (NDPG) funded projects aimed at upgrading sidewalks and parking areas in Mohlakeng and Toekomsrus.

Further, Bovungana claimed that there is funding needed to continue housing projects. However, he stated that the national government is making efforts to establish stable housing.

He expressed that the district is making strides in the tourism department adding that through the Regional Tourism Organisation (RTO) support function, in partnership with Morame RTO, the district is gathering stakeholders and making tourism development initiatives.

Bovungana mentioned issues regarding fire prevention and emergency services, stating the district stands united to ensure community protection through educational campaigns and strategic resource allocation. Effective risk management was brought up thereafter and Bovungana stated that the district uses data-driven assessments and targeted interventions to mitigate fire hazards.

He confirmed that the district is having trouble with its ICT environment and added that third-party funds are needed to improve the systems.

He claimed that the district has partnered with NPOs in a joint effort to approach societal issues such as gender-based violence. To add, the district has also joined the fight against HIV/ Aids and Bovungana claimed that they reached over 800 000 individuals. The district will also ensure comfort for disabled people through capacity-building sessions and initiatives like Casual Day.

Executive Mayor TM Bovungana and Council Speaker Bethuel Munyai.

“The district is still facing financial difficulties that emanate from the past years; however, with the robust implementation of the financial recovery plan and the financial turnaround strategy [approved in conjunction with the annual budget], I can gladly confirm that the district is gradually improving its financial situation,” Bovungana said.

However, he still acknowledged that all the municipalities on the West Rand are struggling to pay fees to Eskom, Rand Water, and the majority of other critical service providers. Bovungana stated that local municipalities have secured payment arrangements with these service providers.

“Currently, I am pleased to confirm that the district has no findings under supply chain management due to the effective systems and controls that are put in place to reduce unauthorised, irregular, fruitless, and wasteful expenditures,” he said.

The Executive Mayor of Rand West City Local Municipality, William Matsheke, recently hosted an Integrated Development Plan (IDP) meeting to discuss the Draft Financial Year Budget for 2024/ 2025.

Matsheke’s Draft Financial Year Budget presentation remarked on certain issues. The first was in regards to delivering services to area which pays for municipal services. Another concern that was highlighted, was the 29.9% unemployment rate in Rand West City.

Furthermore, Matsheke discussed the need to diversify economic opportunities, to create a social economy through the redevelopment of Riebeeck Lake and Donaldson Dam along with establishing a company that will produce industrial and cleaning products to supply to mines and industrial sites.

“The community appreciated the presentation and welcomed the different approaches which were presented in this IDP meeting. The community further appreciated the recent service delivery performed by the municipality,” mayoral spokesperson Tshidiso Tlharipe concluded.

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