Latest tender scam making the rounds

It is that time of the year again when fraudsters and scammers are trying their luck. The Rand West City Local Municipality (RWCLM has since issued a warning to the local public.

The Rand West City Local Municipality (RWCLM) has warned residents and businesses alike about a tender scam where people are duped into depositing funds to false goods suppliers.

• Also read: Municipality warns of jobs scam

RWCLM spokesperson Phillip Montshiwa said the scam is making the rounds throughout the country and urged people to refrain from delivering any goods or transferring any payments to supposed suppliers or manufacturers without confirming the authenticity of the orders with the municipality or with their Supply Chaim Management (SCM) office.

“The municipality is issuing a warning to the public regarding a tender scam that is making the rounds and being incorrectly attributed to the municipality. They target unsuspecting suppliers across the country claiming that RWCLM is inviting bids for the possible supply of certain goods or products.

The targeted suppliers would receive bogus Request For Quotation (RFQ) documents either by email or fax with the RWCLM logo.

In certain instances, these RFQs are also published on various suspicious websites on the internet,” said Montshiwa, who added that the fraudulent and phishing scenarios vary.

A tactic is where scammers request quotations for the supply of safety equipment like safety boots and reflector jackets.

“Once the would-be supplier has tendered for the contract, they are then contacted via telephone or email by people claiming to be RWCLM officials and are invited to submit their quotes. The fraudsters then call these suppliers to inform them that their companies have been appointed to deliver goods and they have to sign and fax the appointment letter back to them as soon as possible because the goods are needed urgently.

“Furthermore, fraudsters encourage the suppliers to use certain manufacturers as they are supposedly the only manufacturers. These fictitious manufacturers are part of the scam,” said Montshiwa.

• Also read: Residents warned of social media scam

He added that their investigations reveal that victims are told to pay these manufacturers who then disappear with the money in question.

To report incidents of tender fraud, corruption, and irregularities, members of the public are encouraged to call the municipal offices on 010 496 5568 or email in the office of the municipal manager.

To verify the authenticity of RWCLM orders, suppliers are advised to contact SCM on 010 496 5636/ 7123/ 7122.

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