
Meeting to be held on August 3 about ‘serious challenges’ facing municipality

An important council meeting to discuss urgent matters affecting RWCLM originally scheduled for July 27 has been postponed to August 3.

Council will sit around the table soon to discuss urgent matters affecting the Rand West City Local Municipality (RWCLM).

Particulars to be discussed include mega housing projects, electricity cuts and load reduction, infrastructure and service delivery.

The debate is expected to be heated.

In a statement issued by Tshidiso Tlharipe, the RWCLM Executive Mayor spokesperson, he said Executive Mayor Gladys Khoza had noted with some form of displeasure the statement generated by the DA on the meeting initiated by MEC Lebogang Maile regarding the possible intervention by the Gauteng Department of Cooperative Governance regarding the delivery of services to the residents of Rand West City.

“The MEC has rightfully requested the availability of the Executive Mayor to share his concerns about the municipal delivery of services to the community of Rand West City.”

He said part of the concern of the MEC was the recent protests by the community of Mohlakeng about the supply of electricity, and failure of the municipality to provide an uninterrupted electricity supply to its communities.

“The MEC deemed it fit to engage the Executive Mayor and establish facts surrounding the failure and seek possible solutions to the matter. We take this intervention seriously as a government that must provide quality basic services to our communities. We dismiss with clear conscience the utterances of the DA that seeks to be preoccupied with state power at the expense of delivery of services to our constituencies. We have been voted in by the community of Rand West City to better their lives and deliver quality basic services to them.

“The Executive Mayor will take the opportunity as presented by MEC Maile to highlight the challenges that the municipality is faced with and lobby for some form of possible intervention. The community of Rand West City is consciously aware of the deteriorating state of our infrastructure and the meeting initiated by the MEC seeks to intervene on such challenges.

“We are pleading with all stakeholders within Rand West City to provide space to the Executive Mayor to take this opportunity and engage the MEC on the challenges faced by the municipality. We are confident that this opportunity will come in handy in addressing the challenges faced by the municipality.

“A municipality is supposed to be built on the strong foundation of stimulating local development through the provision of quality services to its local citizenry and the initiative of the MEC seeks to address that basic principle.

“Importantly, the council meeting has been postponed to August 3, 2022 and the DA will still be given an opportunity to fulfil their nefarious political agenda. In the meantime, we appeal to the DA to provide space to the Executive Mayor to discharge her work without any form of interference. We are confident that the initiative of the MEC will bring positive development in the lives of the people of Rand West City.”

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