
Rugby player (14) assaulted while on morning run in Helikon Park

Young rugby talent assaulted while sticking to his dedicated training schedule in Helikon Park.

A mother of a badly traumatised 14-year-old boy is warning parents to be on their guard. This after her son was attacked by two suspected armed men while he was out on a morning run during the school holidays.

*Charmaine told the Randfontein Herald that her son, *Markus, went on his regular 3km morning run on June 25. While on his way back home in Arend Drive near the mini substation (with fields on both sides) he was assaulted by two men. She said they tripped him and proceeded to kick and scratch him, trying to steal his belongings.

After fighting them off, he ran home as fast as he could, however, the assailants gave chase. Charmaine explained he ran into their yard and closed the gate behind him.

“He simply fell to his knees, glad to be alive. When my child came into the house, he was crying and he came to lie on the bed with me and just cried. It was terrible,” Charmaine said.

She added her son is extremely traumatised by what happened and lives in a constant state of fear.

“Our children shouldn’t have to grow up like this,” she continued.

The scratches on the boy’s face were evident during an interview with the Herald yet Charmain is grateful they are starting to heal. However, he still experiences pain in his back.

The trauma he went through, however, is still a big concern and she is considering therapy. The family has decided to also not open a case at this point.

Markus goes to school in Potchefstroom where he was recruited for his rugby. This means he has to stick to a strict training schedule to stay fit.

“This happened all while he was just trying to keep fit and in line with his school’s requirements. He is extremely dedicated. I hope what happened can make other people aware of the dangers out there,” Charmaine warned.

*Pseudonyms used to protect the family’s identity.

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