Police engage with Westonaria community to tackle crime

The Westonaria Police, stakeholders, and the community engaged at a local Glenharvie school to discuss the way forward as serious crimes including murder and attempted murder show an increase.

Police in Westonaria continued efforts of tackling crime in and around the area by hosting a community engagement session at Glenharie Combined School on Sunday, May 7.

Westonaria Police Station Commander Colonel Jury Ferreira was joined by other senior officers and stakeholders including executive members of the Community Policing Forum (CPF).

Westonaria Police spokesperson Warrant Officer Audrey Sefara said that Ferreira outlined key elements that are prevalent in communities.

Members of the community aired their frustrations and gave suggestions on how to tackle crime. Photo submitted.

Also read: Police hold talks with Glenharvie community, visits W’aria High

“The station commander addressed crimes on the increase such as murder, attempted murder, hijacking, business robbery, and house robbery. He further urged the community to come forward with any information that can assist the police with investigations.

“He also mentioned the preventative measures that the residents of Glenharvie always neglect to adhere to. Not only do they leave their doors unlocked but are their gates left wide open. The windows are also left open with no burglar bars. People also still fall prey to online scams,” said Sefara, who added crime prevention begins with the community.

Also read: Bekkersdal Police engage with schools, community

Meanwhile, the Vispol Commander Lieutenant Colonel Joyce Tuuba urged the community to work with the police and explained the need to do special operations such as stop and searches and visits to liquor outlets.

Westonaria Police Station Commander Colonel Jurie Ferreira addressing the community. Photo submitted.

This comes after one outlet was closed for non-compliance to the Liquor Act in Glenharvie where the community became angry and insulted the police.

She encouraged the community to be registered as informers and remain anonymous because people are scared to divulge information.

Community members also tabled feasible solutions to the fight against crime and suggested that people affiliate themselves with security companies and neighbourhood watches to be safe.

A commitment was also made by Ward 23 Councillor Mkhuseli Jokazi who promised to engage with the Rand West City Local Municipality (RWCLM), to prune long trees and cut the grass as well, to ensure that criminals do not have a hiding spot.

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