
Stolen sheep recovered

'Mapogo tactical K9 units received information regarding stolen sheep in the Witfontein area. Upon investigation, four stolen sheep were recovered and handed back to the lawful owner. No arrests were made' – Operations manager.

Sheep were stolen during a stock theft incident in Witfontein. It was one of the six serious incidents reported to Mapogo A Mathamaga Security in Rand West City for the period Tuesday, April 11 to Sunday, April 16.

The security company’s operations manager Danie Vermeulen explained the stock theft incident took place at 10:00 last Friday, April 14.

Also read: Stock theft awareness campaigns ‘yielding positive results’

“Mapogo tactical K9 units received information regarding stolen sheep in the Witfontein area. Upon investigation, four stolen sheep were recovered and handed back to the lawful owner. No arrests were made”.

During the week there were also numerous house break-ins and thefts reported.

Also read: Stock theft still a thorn in West Rand’s side

Details about other incidents:

1. Tuesday, April 11 at 03:55 – Attempted housebreaking in Elaine Street, Homelake

Suspects gained entry by breaking out a precast slab of the perimeter wall. The suspects then went on to force open a classroom window but fled the scene when the alarm sounded. No arrests were made.

2. Tuesday, April 11 at 08:04 – Housebreaking and theft in Sutherland Street, Randfontein CBD

Suspects gained entry into the premises by breaking through the roof of the building. The suspects went on to steal an unknown number of items. No arrests were made.

3. Wednesday, April 12 at 03:30 – Attempted business break-in in Kenneth Road, Greenhills

After alarm activation, Mapogo reaction units discovered a broken shop window. A suspect was pointed out to the reaction officer who then arrested the suspect. Housebreaking tools were found in the suspects’ possession and the suspect was handed over to the Randfontein police.

4. Saturday, April 15 at 03:00 – Theft in Mercedes Street, Aureus

Suspects gained entry into the premises by breaking through a brick wall and went on to steal six truck tires and rims. No arrests were made.

5. Sunday, April 16 at 10:18 – Housebreaking and theft, Strandloper Street, Helikonpark

Suspects gained access by jumping over the perimeter wall and went on to steal one chainsaw from the premises. No arrests were made.

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