Motorists urged to be vigilant about hijackings

Statistics by police reveal that more than 6 000 vehicles were hijacked from July 1 to September 20 this year.

With the festive season having arrived, motorists throughout the country are urged to be vigilant and be on the lookout for hijackers on the road.

Statistics provided by the South African Police Service (SAPS) revealed that more than 6 000 vehicles were hijacked from July 1 to September 20 this year and Business Leadership South Africa (BLSA) warned against such trends and shared safety tips for motorists. While the tips are meant for motorists in general, they do come at a time where Bekkersdal Police have launched a manhunt for three suspects in connection to a hijacking and rape incident of a 31-year-old woman in Simunye.

Also read: Local police issues safety tips for this festive season

The incident occurred on December 9 and the woman was targeted in her driveway while closing her gate and later taken to an open veld where she was repeatedly raped.

Speaking on hijackings in general, Roelof Viljoen from Business Against Crime South Africa (BACSA) which is a division of BLSA, said hijackers have been using a new modus-operandi in which they kidnap the owner of the vehicle for a few hours, until they have disabled the tracking device and, in some cases, even empty out the victim’s bank account.

To mitigate this, Viljoen shared a few safety tips, which will go a long way in helping motorists avoid being victims of hijackings.

Also read: Woman hijacked, repeatedly raped: three wanted

“Be alert at all times and see what is happening around you. Try to predict what is going to happen and act to prevent any negatives.

When stuck in traffic or at the stop sign, ensure that there is enough space to get away between you and the vehicle in front of you. Keep your windows closed, as this will protect you against intrusion,” said Viljoen who added that the number of hijackings is set to increase, as people will be letting their guard down during this festive season.

He also warned against sitting in your vehicle while it is parked, as it increases chances of getting hijacked and advised that if one feels that there is a car following them, it is best to change their route or drive to a nearby police station or place of safety.

“Most hijackings occur around your home. Always be extra cautious when approaching your place of residence. If you have an electric gate, wait for it to open while you are still on the road before pulling into the driveway, so you can get away quickly. This makes it difficult for would be hijackers to box you in and makes it easier to pull away, should the need arise. However, if you have a manual gate, then it is advisable to leave the keys in the ignition and the engine running while doing so. This is unless there are children in the car, in which case you can turn off the ignition and keep the keys with you. The keys can be used as a negotiating tool to get the children out into safety,” Viljoen concluded, while adding the need to remain calm and not resist when getting hijacked.

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