Police intervene as tensions rise at TM Letlhake after stabbing incident

The aim of the intervention was to raise awareness and educate learners about the consequences of bullying, to identify challenges and respond to incidents of crime within the school.

Bekkersdal Police together with the Senior Magistrate at the Westonaria Magistrate’s Court and other relevant stakeholders visited TM Letlhake Secondary School in Simunye in a bid to diffuse tensions.

This was on September 19 and came after an incident outside the school premises where three learners aged between 16 and 17 stabbed four learners during a fight.

Also read: GDE confirms stabbing at local high school: 50 learners suspended

The aim of this visit was to raise awareness and educate learners about the consequences of bullying, to identify challenges and respond to incidents of crime within the school.

Other stakeholders such as Rand West City Public Safety, Gauteng Department of Education, Department of Community Safety, Rand West City Traffic police, members from spiritual services, and the Victim-friendly Room were present.

Approximately 50 learners have been suspended following the incident.

Sharon Soko, Senior Magistrate at the Westonaria Magistrate’s Court speaking on the importance of instilling discipline at the school, to ensure that learners are not exposed to the judiciary. Photo submitted.

Also read: School fight almost costs lives: Three learners arrested, four injured

Bekkersdal Police Station commander Colonel Phumelele Matamela tackled the issue of bullying at the school and said this kind of practice must be stopped immediately.

We are here to ensure that your safety is not compromised in any way. Those who are found on the wrong side of the law will be dealt with harshly. Be proud to wear your school uniform rather than exchange it for an orange one,” Matamela concluded.

Sharon Soko, Senior Magistrate at the Westonaria Magistrate’s Court emphasised that, “The school should revive the culture of learning and teaching and should enforce the process of dealing with discipline, in order to prevent learners from exposing themselves to the judiciary.

“Everyone has rights , however, every right has limits. Let us be proactive and utilise available resources for the betterment of the school,” said Soko.

Learners at the TM Letlhake Secondary School being addressed by religious leaders following the stabbing incident at the school. Photo submitted.
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