Five thugs posing as customers arrested for business robbery

They entered the shop pretending to be customers wanting to buy maize meal.

Five thugs pretending to be customers wishing to buy maize meal at a tuck shop were arrested for business robbery in Silvercity, Bekkersdal.

The suspects aged between 23 and 31 years were arrested on September 2 at around 20:30.

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Bekkersdal police spokesperson Linkie Lefakane said the shop assistant was able to tell the police the identity of the suspects because he knew them.

The shop assistant alleged he was inside the tuck shop when he was approached by the imposters. They requested to buy maize meal and because he knew them he opened the door for them.

“Inside shop, one of the ‘customers’ took out a firearm and demanded money from the shop assistant. They took an undisclosed amount and left the scene,” said Lefakane who added that the shop assistant immediately called the police and reported the matter.

Investigations led the police to one of the shacks in the area where the suspects were drinking alcohol. They subsequently were nabbed.

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They were also found in possession of the firearm used during the robbery and some of the money stolen from the tuck shop.

Bekkersdal SAPS station commander Colonel Phumelele Matamela applauded Sergeants Colbert Mkhara and Vongani Ngobeni for their swift response to the incident and the successful arrests. She also urged business owners to be careful while trading.

Shop owners are urged to be more vigilant and comply with the correct trading times.

“Rather sell your items through a locked burglar door, as opposed to allowing walk-ins, to prevent these kind of attacks,” she said.

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