What to know about male suicide

Healthcare provider examines male suicide in greater detail.

Affinity Health highlighted the major current South African crisis that is male suicide.

According to Murray Hewlett, Affinity Health CEO, there are an estimated 23 suicides each day in South Africa.

He added men are four times likelier than women to commit suicide.

“Suicide is preventable. With treatment and lifestyle modifications, individuals can begin to feel better. They can seek the tools and support they need.”

More on this: What Are the Top 10 Male Health Problems?

What might cause suicide?

According to studies, women attempt suicide more often than men but men commit suicide more than women. Researchers guessed that this might be because men are likelier to use fatal weapons. There may also be more genetic risk factors related to suicide.

A medical condition, such as:

Mental conditions like depression are a risk factors for suicide. But not all suicides are because of mental illness. 54% of suicide victims between 1999 and 2016 had not been diagnosed with a mental health disorder.

What triggers suicide?

There are a variety of potential causes of suicide. Often, many variables link the development of suicidal thoughts and self-harm.

People who consider or attempt suicide tend to do so because they feel incapable of coping with life.

They may experience the following feelings:

These emotions may result from a variety of circumstances, including:

Possible suicide warning signs

Among men, warning symptoms of suicide or suicidal ideation include:

Not everyone will exhibit indicators of suicidal ideation. Even if they do, the signs may be subtle. They can vary a lot between individuals.

What if someone you know is suicidal?

If you know someone who is in imminent danger of self-harm, suicide, or harming others:

Ask the uncomfortable question: Are you considering suicide?

Call SADAG – Africa’s Largest Mental Health Organisation (Suicide Crisis Line: 0800 567 567).

Or contact your local emergency number if you are in imminent danger of self-harm or suicide.

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