Myburgh Foundation spoils Toekies youth

The youngsters were treated to a hearty meal and snacks, and the day was rounded off with a movie night at their NGO based on Diamond Street.

The Myburgh Foundation recently commemorated Youth Month with a variety of youth-related activities, focusing on key areas such as spiritual, emotional and social well-being.

Myburgh Foundation founder and operations manager, Randy Christian said their aim is to instil high moral values and emphasise the importance of self love and compassion amongst the youth, irrespective of race, church denomination or social status.

The youth of Toekomrus were spoiled during Youth Day on June 16. Photo submitted.

Amongst the activities that were conducted throughout the month, Randy said Youth Day on Thursday, June 16 was filled with good vibes. The youngsters were treated to a hearty meal and snacks, and the day was rounded off with a movie night at their NGO based on Diamond Street, Toekomsrus.

Also read: Foreigners in our town: Myburgh Foundation shows some compassion

Our ultimate goal is to establish a youth centre in our community to better service the needs of our youth, and eradicate many of the social ills they face daily. To partner with us on future projects kindly contact us on 062 591 2268,” said Randy.

Marion Stellenburg, Terry-jade Harney, Alliyah Stellenburg and Waylaan Leslie. Photo submitted.
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