
Police make their mark during Okae Malao – 46 arrested

"Whilst law transgressors of the nearby Bekkersdal and Westonaria area were still reeling from pains and scars left by Okae Molao sting operations on June 9, the intelligence driven operation once more launched it's fight at Kagiso on June 11 from 17:00 until 02:00."

“Whilst law transgressors of the nearby Bekkersdal and Westonaria were still reeling from pains and scars left by Okae Molao sting operations on June 9, the intelligence-driven operation once more launched its fight at Kagiso on June 11 from 17:00 until 02:00.”

This statement came from West Rand District Police spokesperson, Captain Solomon Sibiya following a successful operation in which 46 arrests were made.

The operation focused on areas like Tshepisong, Mnandini, Leratong Village, Swaneville, Soul City, Zulu Jump, Batswana, Rietvallei, Chamdor, the M13, Madala Hostel and Central Kagiso.

It was done in four phases with two roadblocks – one at the M13 and R41 intersection, and another on the R28. Three crime-prevention teams, each led by senior officers, formed part of the sting operation. They were supported by other law-enforcement agencies such as Mogale City Traffic, the Department of Home Affairs, local Community Policing Forums and community patrollers.

The detectives arrested 28 wanted suspects during their tracing efforts, and the Visible Policing officers arrested 18.”

The Vispol arrests were made for offences such as possession of drugs (Mandrax), drunken driving, dealing in dagga, possession of dagga, illegal dealing in liquor, and illegal immigrants.

The detectives’ tracing efforts brought to book suspects for kidnapping, assault with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm, common assault, assault common (domestic violence), housebreaking and theft, contravention of a protection order, contempt of court, and illegal immigrants.

The teams closed down one illegal liquor outlet and confiscated 271 250ml of liquor. Twenty road traffic fines to the value of R18 600 were also issued.

Acting District Police commissioner, Brigadier Happy Xaba, who led the operation applauded and thanked everyone for their commitment and good intentions to continue fighting crime and making residents feel safe.

Drugs confiscated during the Okae Malao operations recently. Photo submitted.

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