
Another mass clean-up in parts of town

Approximately 50 people sacrificed their Saturday morning and filled 100 bags during yet another clean-up.

Residents of Rand West City once again rolled up their sleeves to clean up the most unkempt areas and those affected by illegal dumping.

Wendy de Klerk, environmental manager and coordinator of the clean-up said on Saturday May 28 they cleaned from Northway Road all the way to and around the Greenhills Stadium.

“We collected over 100 black bags full of rubbish, and we’re grateful that we had about 50 people who sacrificed their Saturday morning to help make sure that their environments were cleaned,” Wendy said.

Another volunteer, 61-year-old Kobie Myburgh, said she’s glad that residents came together to rid the areas of the refuse that was dumped there illegally.

People must be aware that they can’t just dump their rubbish everywhere. Our town is seriously in need of a second dumping site, so as to alleviate the problem we’re facing. We hope that this will inspire people to do good, not make thing worse,” Kobie said.

Wendy thanked Truter, Crous & Wiggill; Oasis Water; NWK Koöperasie; Randgate Pharmacy; Butterfield Bakery; Tambotie Mall; and RWCLM for sponsoring the clean-up.

“We’re definitely going to need more sponsors as our project grows, and everyone who wishes to extend a helping hand is welcome to join us,” Wendy said.

Young and old came together to clean parts of Greenhills. Photo submitted.
A total of 100 black bags were filled during the clean-up. Photo submitted.

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