Mrs Universe Africa finalist is an agent of change

As Mrs Universe Africa she said she will use the platform to influence change, as she believes the greatest gift we can give anyone is the opportunity to change.

Ezelle Andrews is currently a Mrs Universe Africa finalist who hopes to use the platform to influence change.

The 36-year-old grew up in Toekomsrus and is currently residing in Wilgeheuwel.

She explained that the Mrs Universe Africa pageant is open to married, divorced and widowed women across the African continent.

“The Mrs Universe Africa platform is a movement which is embedded in our communities to make a difference and change lives. As finalists we are expected to be ambassadors of the Mrs Universe Africa brand and sponsors in our communities. We are so much more than just beauty queens, we are change agents.”

Ezelle said she has been involved with a few charities such as 4change Foundation, Elizabeth’s walk and Just In Time Baby Sanctuary.

To streamline my community work I’ve recently registered my own NPC, PoweredUp Foundation with the purpose of being a voice to the voiceless and bringing hope to the hopeless.”

She participated in her first pageant, the Miss Randfontein Primary School pageant at the age of nine and was crowned second princess.

What drives her when it comes to pageants? She explained that grafted in her DNA is knowing that there is more within her and that she has been placed on earth to make a difference and fulfil a purpose. Pageants like Mrs Universe Africa are women-empowerment platforms and the ability to use the platform to influence change and make a difference drives her.

Ezelle Andrews is currently a Mrs Universe Africa finalist. Photo submitted.

“Being crowned the winner of this pageant would mean that I get to be an agent of change not only for my surrounding communities but for our amazing continent of Africa at large, and that I have the honour of representing our beautiful country internationally. Now that excites me!”

As Mrs Universe Africa she said she will use the platform to influence change, as she believes the greatest gift we can give anyone is the opportunity to change.

Our youth need to discover the greatness within them; they need to be exposed to the right opportunities and recognise that the solutions to the problems in our communities, nation and continent at large are within us.

“Through my NPO – Poweredup Foundation I aim to partner with other organisations, entrepreneurs and those involved in technology to create the right opportunities for our youth – opportunities that will eradicate the many social ills we are faced with such as unemployment, suicide, gender-based violence and substance abuse.”

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