Be our eyes and ears – police to community of Greenhills, Randgate

Randfontein Police recently engaged with members of the community of Greenhills and Randgate on prevalent crimes in the area.

Randfontein Police management recently conducted a crime-awareness campaign, this time in Greenhill Ext 3 and Randgate.

According to Randfontein Police spokesperson Sergeant Carmen Hendricks, members of the police, together with management of the Victim Friendly Centre engaged with members of the community on prevalent crimes in the area, including gender-based violence; human trafficking; house-breaking and robberies; domestic violence; common robberies; motor vehicle theft; and extensive alcohol and substance abuse.

“We also received a lot of complaints, with the community saying they did not have the police’s contact numbers. So we handed out contact numbers of the sector vehicles and sector managers in different areas,” Sergeant Hendricks said.

Management of the Victim Friendly Centre took part in the campaign. Photo submitted.

She added that 250 pamphlets were distributed, and the remaining pamphlets were handed to Randgate Pharmacy to distribute to community members who use the facility.

We appealed to the community at large to be our eyes and ears, and make sure that they report all crime. They were encouraged to join Community Policing Forums and start their own neighbourhood watch.

“We also requested that they come forward with information and contact Randfontein Police on 011 414 4992 or the Crime Stop line on 08600 10111. They may also use our SMS line 32211 or provide information via the My SAPS app and remain anonymous,” Sergeant Hendricks said.

Police spoke to residents of Greenhills and Randgate about common crimes in the areas. Photo submitted.
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