Law-enforcement band together yet again, arrests 176 for various crimes

Police recently held another Okae Molao operation and roadblocks in and around Rand West City. They arrested 176 people and issued R40 000 worth of traffic fines.

A total of 176 arrests were made as police in the West Rand banded together yet again during another Okae Malao operation in and around Rand West City on Thursday, March 17.

The operation also included conducting roadblocks at the corner of the R28/ R559 and N14 roads.

West Rand District Police spokesperson Sergeant Carmen Hendricks said although the operations started with two roadblocks at the mentioned roads, crime prevention and tracing suspects were the other areas of focus.

The operation was to ensure that police together with other law-enforcement agencies including Gauteng Traffic Police, Correctional Services, members of Rapid Rail and Prasa, and even the community commit themselves to ensuring a safe and secure environment for all by addressing the root causes of crime.

It was also to ensure that the Disaster Management Act regulations were adhered to, and that policing was intensified and rolled out at all times.”

The 176 people were arrested for various crimes:

• Seven for murder
• Three for house robberies
• Eight for rape
• Two for business robbery
• Four for common robbery
• One for possession of ammunition
• Two for possession of unlicensed ammunition
• 33 for assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm
• Four for possession of drugs
• One for possession of stolen property
• Five for reckless and/ or negligent driving
• 27 for common assault
• 21 for theft
• 16 for housebreaking and theft

The 176 people were arrested for various crimes. Photo submitted.

• One for business burglary
• Two for drunken driving
• One for escape from lawful custody
• Six for malicious damage to property
• One for fraud
• One for arson
• Four for contravening a protection order
• One for contempt of court
• Six for possession of drugs
• Three for possession of dagga
• One for dealing in dagga
• Three for dealing in drugs
• One for dealing in second-hand goods without a licence
• One for possession of explosives
• Three for possession of gold-bearing material
• Ten illegal immigrants

In addition, 50 road traffic fines were issued amounting to R40 000.

All arrested suspects will appear in the Randfontein Magistrates’ Court.

Krugersdorp Police station commander Brigadier Happy Xaba appreciated and thanked all members for their diligence and hard work on behalf of the West Rand District Police commissioner Major General Fred Kekana.

At least six people were arrested for possession of drugs. Photo submitted.
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