‘No woman gives birth to an addict and no father raises a gangster’ – MEC to Toekies community

Gauteng MEC for Community Safety, Faith Mazibuko told the Toekomsrus community that many social ills were causing instability in communities, making residents vulnerable to crime and other factors.

Gauteng MEC for Community Safety, Faith Mazibuko said many social ills were causing instability in communities, making residents vulnerable to crime and other factors.

During a meeting with the Toekomsrus community at the Emmanuel New Life Centre on Wednesday March 2, Mazibuko said poverty and unemployment had led to young people turning to drugs, and causing young women to be exploited by sugar daddies as they try to survive.

We must say no to all these things because no woman gives birth to an addict and no father raises a gangster. We must look at ways we can rid our streets of addicts and criminals,” Mazibuko said.

She further told the community that in certain cases police didn’t have the mandate to assist them; however, entities such as the Social Cluster could help address the issues.

The MEC further urged the community to be close-knit, and be each other’s eyes and ears. She said the best way to do this was if residents got to know their neighbours.

“We also condemn those who buy stolen goods as they’re helping to make crime worse. Scrap yards are the biggest culprits as many of them have items that were stolen from the community,” Mazibuko said.

She urged residents to be careful of criminals living around them, as some were even known to be peddling drugs.

Those of you who are renting out your properties should be very careful not to rent them out to criminals. Don’t just be happy with the rent they pay. Especially if they don’t have jobs, you should ask yourself how are they making money,” Mazibuko said.

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