Another housebreaking reported this past week – Mapogo crime report

Mapogo revealed another two incidents of homes being targeted in Homelake and Greenhills respectively.

It was a relatively quiet week for Mapogo A Mathamaga Security’s client base in Randfontein.

Operations manager at Mapogo, Ben Willemse said only two incidents were reported for the period between Monday, February 21 and Sunday, February 27.

A breakdown of the incidents:

• Friday, February 25 at 12:56 – Attempted housebreaking on Fir Road, Greenhills: Thugs driving a blue Toyota Camry stopped in front of the premises and forced open the main gate. A neighbour noticed this and gave the alarm, and the intruders fled the scene.

• Friday, February 25 at 13:32 – Housebreaking and theft on Freda Avenue, Homelake: Intruders forced open the main gate, entered the premises, forced open the front door and stole a flat-screen TV. The alarm was activated, and the thugs left the TV in the driveway and fled the scene.

Also read: Randfontein crime stats: Sexual offences, murder and aggravated robberies increase, stock theft decrease

Ben gave the following safety tips:

• Know your neighbours and look out for each other.
• When seeing suspicious people or suspicious vehicles, take in as much information as possible about clothing, build, complexion, colour of vehicle, vehicle description and where possible the vehicle’s registration number.
• Remember criminals blend in with the environment.
• Never approach suspicious people on your own. If you feel unsafe, rather contact your security company or the police.

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