Tensions high at Hoërskool Jan VIljoen

Herald journalist Tumi Riba who is on scene this morning, Monday February 14 described the situation as 'extremely volatile' and reported that police had to disperse learners with water cannons inside the school premises.

Tensions have been mounting at Hoërskool Jan Viljoen on Monday morning February 14.

Police were called after an altercation broke out at the high school in West Porges on Friday afternoon February 11. Randfontein Police spokesperson Sergeant Carmen Hendricks confirmed to the Herald that the fight between two groups of learners had erupted on the school grounds at about 13:00.

Read initial article here: Police called after fight breaks out at a high school

Tensions are high at the moment with many parents and representatives from political parties and various law-enforcement agencies as well as a private security company on scene.

Herald journalist Tumi Riba who is on scene this morning, Monday February 14 described the situation as ‘extremely volatile’.

“Tensions are high at the moment with many parents and representatives from political parties including the EFF and ANC, civil rights organisation AfriForum and various law-enforcement agencies including police, Rand West City Traffic Department and Department of Community Safety as well as a private security company on scene.

Different race groups were seen pushing and shoving each other after it was alleged that Friday’s altercation was racially motivated. Gauteng Education MEC for Education Phanyaza Lesufi is currently holding talks with management of the school.

Tensions are high at the moment with many parents and representatives from political parties and various law-enforcement agencies as well as a private security company on scene.

“Revolutionary songs are being chanted and the school gate has since been closed. Police had to disperse learners with water cannons inside the premises. “

The Herald attempted to contact the school for comment and it is yet to respond officially; however, they released a statement on their official Facebook page over the weekend saying, “Die skoolbestuur en beheerliggaam keur die gedrag van die betrokke individue in Vrydag se voorval ten sterkste af. Die skool sowel as die beheerliggaam is reeds die hele naweek besig om die voorval te ondersoek. Ons verseker u dat die skuldige partye gestraf sal word in terme die SA Skolewet en die skool se gedragskode.

The senior management team (SMT) and school governing body (SGB) deplore the behaviour of individuals involved in the incident at school on Friday. The school and SGB have already started to investigate the incident and will continue to do so. We want to assure you that the guilty parties will be punished in terms of the SA Schools Act and the code of conduct of the school.”

Tensions are high at the moment with many parents and representatives from political parties and various law-enforcement agencies as well as a private security company on scene.

The Gauteng Department of Education has also been approached for comment and the Herald is awaiting their feedback.

Meanwhile, the office of the Executive Mayor of the Rand West City Local Municipality has also confirmed that Mayor Gladys Khosa will be visiting Hoërskool Jan Viljoen sometime today (February 14).

The visit follows alleged racial tensions that took place on the school premises recently. The alleged developments went viral on social media resulting in local communities taking interest in the matter. The mayor’s visit is to establish facts and she will meet with the school learners and other stakeholders that will be present.

“It is important to assert the constitutional rights of people and condemn any actions that cause divisions and undermine the learners and parents by race or colour.”

This is a developing story and the Herald will keep its readers updated.

Tensions are high at the moment with many parents and representatives from political parties and various law-enforcement agencies as well as a private security company on scene.
Tensions are high at the moment with many parents and representatives from political parties and various law-enforcement agencies as well as a private security company on scene.
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