LETTER: Stop putting your trust in political parties

'Twenty seven years later, Cyril Ramaphosa's party is yet to take the masses to the Promised Land' – Thabile Mange.

• Thabile Mange writes:

In 1994, when the ANC came to power, there was hope and belief that it will take the nation to the land of milk and honey. Twenty seven years later, Cyril Ramaphosa’s party is yet to take the masses to the Promised Land.

Due to perpetual poor service delivery, the ANC is fast losing a grip on power. In the last local government elections, the governing party lost certain metro councils. And there is nothing that suggests that it will make a comeback.

Interestingly, voters are excited that the ANC is losing power. Thanks to poor service delivery. By the same token, they are also excited that opposition parties are leading coalition governments in some local governments. They are hoping for better things to come.

Voters should wake up and smell the coffee: their economic liberation is not in the hands of political parties. Instead, it is in their hands. The political system has failed South Africans.

In the Western Cape, the DA is a governing party. According to political pundits, the Western Cape is one of the well-managed provinces. However, there blacks remain poor and unemployed.

In addition, experience has shown that coalition governments don’t work in South Africa. They instead benefit small parties that have received less votes. Where does that put voters?

It’s time South Africans realise that political parties are not there serve them. Instead, they are there to serve their own interests. So, change of administration won’t bring any material change in this country.

Therefore, voters need to reclaim their power and determine their future. They also need to build strong civic organisations and contest elections. That will be their first step to economic freedom.

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