Randfontein Show cancelled again in 2022

Since current Covid-19 regulations restrict the number of people allowed at an outdoor event, it is not financially viable for the organisers of the Randfontein Show to go ahead, plan and spend large amounts of money.

The Randfontein Publicity Association (RPA), organisers of the annual Randfontein Show, has announced that due to the current Covid-19 regulations and ongoing State of Disaster, it is not in a position to host the 2022 Randfontein Show.

“We have received a lot of enquiries regarding a Show for 2022 and unfortunately since current Covid-19 regulations still restrict the number of people allowed to attend an outdoor event, it is simply not financially viable for the organisers to go ahead, plan and spend large amounts of money setting up and advertising an event that does not allow more than 2 000 people at a time,” said RPA Publicity Officer Joy Hamann.

Before a Show visitor even enters the gate, we already have a good few hundred people on the ground – exhibitors and their helpers, police, first aid, security, maintenance, cleaning and show personnel, etc.

“This kind of event takes many months to plan and prepare for, and until such time as the country reaches a Level 0, Randfontein Show, like most other large festivals, is not in a position to set a date or take unnecessary financial risks,” Joy added.

In October 2020, the RPA announced the cancellation of the 2021 Show.

“We have never had to cancel a Show in 34 years,” Joy said at the time.

Also read: Randfontein Show cancelled for 2021: What the public had to say

Contact the RPA office on 011 412 2878/ 1562 or email joy@randfonteininfo.co.za / maggie@randfonteininfo.co.za with any enquiries.

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