Covid-19 and other comorbidities testing: Where and when to go in Rand West City

The West Rand District Health Department will be continuing their ward-based battle plan this week. This is where you can catch them this week until January 29 ...

The West Rand District Health Department is once again inviting the community to get free Covid-19 tests done at their sites this week.

The department’s communications admin Zoliswa Nzeku said in addition to the coronavirus tests, HIV, TB and blood pressure tests will also be done for free this week from January 24 to 29. The sites are operational from 09:00 to 15:00.

Also read: Active infections on West Rand currently at 369; total fully vaccinated at 293 620

Testing will be done at the following sites:

• Umphakathi mall (Ward13)

• Tambotie Mall (Ward 4/5)

• Afrivillage (Ward 9)

• Station Mall (Ward 5)

• Dan Tlhoome (Ward 2)

• 2nd Stop Toekomsrus (Ward 8)

• Mohlakeng Ext 11(Ward 11)

• Mohlakeng Ext 4 (Ward 15)

• Westonaria Pick N Pay (Ward 26)

• Borwa Ext 2 (Ward 26)

• Bekkersdal East X Section (Ward 29)

• Bekkersdal West Mandela (Ward 31)

• Bekkersdal West Outlet (Ward 35)

• Westonaria Post Office (Ward 32)

• Bekkersdal West Holomisa Spots Ground (Ward 31)

Vaccinations will be done at the following sites:

• Monday, January 24 at Umphakathi Mall, Randfontein Station Mall, Tambotie Mall, Westonaria Pick n Pay and Afrivillage

• Tuesday, January 25 at Umphakathi Mall, Randfontein Station Mall, Tambotie Mall, Borwa Ext 2 and Dan Tlhoome

• Wednesday, January 26 at Umphakathi Mall, Randfontein Station Mall, Tambotie Mall, 2nd Stop Toekomsrus and Bekkersdal Xhosa Section

• Thursday, January 27 at Umphakathi Mall, Randfontein Station Mall, Tambotie Mall, Mohlakeng Ext 11 and Bekkersdal West Mandela

• Friday, January 28 at Umphakathi Mall, Randfontein Station Mall, Tambotie Mall, Bekkersdal West Outlet and Mohlakeng Ext 4

• Saturday, January 29 at Umphakathi Mall, Randfontein Station Mall, Tambotie Mall and Westonaria Post Office

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