
Man slits girlfriend’s throat before hanging himself

Man slits his 48-year-old girlfriend's throat before hanging himself in an alleged gender-based violence incident that shocked Simunye.

A 45-year-old man brutally killed his 48-year-old girlfriend before taking his own life in Simunye Extension 5 on Sunday December 12.

Bekkersdal Police spokesperson Sergeant Linkie Lefakane said both bodies were found in the bathroom of their RDP house at around 08:42.

Also read: Woman stabbed to death by her boyfriend

“The woman, whose throat had been slit was found lying in the floor covered in blood while her boyfriend was found hanging from an electric cable. It is believed the couple were fighting before the incident, but we are investigating.

This is happening just after we’ve marked 16 Days of Activism advocating against violence against vulnerable women and children in society,” Sergeant Lefakane added.

Acting Bekkersdal Police station commander Lieutenant Colonel Andile Moshani advised those subjected to domestic abuse to report the matter immediately.

Also read: Domestic violence: Woman beaten tells her story

“Let us report domestic violence as it happens to lessen these kinds of incidents because one life lost is one too many,” Lieutenant Colonel Moshani concluded.

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