
Police conduct mass festive season crime-awareness campaign in town

Police in the West Rand District recently warned residents in the greater Rand West City including neighbouring Mogale City of the most common crimes that usually increase this time of year.

During a festive season crime-awareness campaign, police in the West Rand District recently warned residents across Rand West City about the most common crimes that usually increase this time of the year.

According to Captain Solomon Sibiya, spokesperson for the West Rand District Police and the Kagiso Police, they visited areas including Bekkersdal, Simunye, Brandvlei and Randfontein, to warn people of online-purchasing and general scams, gender-based violence and petty crimes such as pick-pocketing.

Brochures being handed out to the public. Photo submitted.

We also interacted with motorists at the R28 and R559 intersections where we handed out brochures which cover topics such as not giving hitchhikers lifts, and safeguarding yourself against smash-and-grabs,” Captain Sibiya said.

The campaign then moved to the Korekile Home for Cerebral Palsied Children in Simunye to do cleaning, painting and even cook for the beneficiaries of the centre.

“We wanted to show the disadvantaged children love and care. It was a good gesture and integrated effort by the police, the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Men As Safety Promoters, Women As Safety Promoters, Young Women for Community Safety, and community patrollers,” Captain Sibiya added.

Police interacting with Rand West City residents during the campaign. Photo submitted.

The Vispol Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Thamsanqa Zwane thanked all for their efforts and the energy they displayed throughout the programme.

The West Rand District Police Commissioner will be proud to learn about your commitment to representing him so well out there. Keep it up!” Lieutenant Colonel Zwane concluded.

Motorists are given safety tips. Photo submitted.

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