Rem looks out for fellow girl learners

Randfontein Primary School donated 97 packs of sanitary pads to Mablomong Primary School and Brandvlei Primary School.

In an initiative to alleviate socioeconomic hardships, Randfontein Primary School (Rem) donated 97 packs of sanitary pads to Grade 7 learners of Mablomong Primary School (Elandsvlei) and Brandvlei Primary School on Monday, November 29.

One of the educators at Rem and coordinator of the project Winny Kgasoane said the donation was the first leg of the initiative after it became evident that more and more learners were increasingly missing school, “… specially those from impoverished backgrounds. Many young girls would bunk school because they lacked sanitary towels,” Kgasoane said.

She added through this initiative, they wanted to educate young girls that they should celebrate their bodies gifted by nature.

We want them to know that having a menstrual cycle is completely normal and nothing to be ashamed of.”

She went on to say giving them sanitary pads will help restore their dignity. The initiative will go a long way to ensuring young girls attend schools for a full month without compromising their education.

“We are not only looking out for learners of our school but beyond. We understand how extensive the problem is and as it is mostly due to socioeconomic challenges in families we decided to do something about it,” Kgasoane said

Rem’s deputy principal Bernadette Eloff said, “It is sad that in our modern society with its advanced technology that girls are missing school because of this issue. If you can help someone, then make it your mission in life to reach out to those who need it most,” Eloff said.

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