Newborn baby girl found abandoned without any clothes

On-duty security guard finds abandoned newborn near Magistrates' Court

A new-born baby girl was found abandoned near the Westonaria Magistrates’ Court on Friday night, October 29.

According to Bekkersdal Police spokesperson Sergeant Linkie Lefekane, the baby was found by an on-duty security guard at about 20:30 after he heard her crying.

“He went to investigate and was surprised to find a baby covered only with a cloth. He immediately informed the police,” Sergeant Lefakane said.

Police took the trouble to find clothes for the infant and took her to hospital to be examined.

This new-born baby was found near the Westonaria Magistrates’ Court. Photo submitted.

Sergeant Lefakane warned that neglecting children is a serious offence that is punishable by law. She advised people to use facilities provided at police stations to deal with unwanted babies and not throw them away, which is endangering their lives.

There are victim empowerment centres with trained social workers at every police building. We urge the public to make use of these kinds of services to better their knowledge. Anyone who might shed some light on whom the baby belongs to can contact the police on 011 278 5300; alternatively contact Crime Stop on 08600 10111,” Sergeant Lefakane added.

The Herald has blurred the baby’s face in the spirit of Section 28.2 of the Bill of Rights — Ed.

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