Get to know COPE candidate councillor Angel Londen

Another COPE candidate councillor answers a few questions before the upcoming local elections.

Angel Londen, Congress of the People’s (COPE) local elections candidate councillor for Ward 8 recently answered the Herald’s questions regarding the upcoming elections.

1. Name:

Angel Londen, 39

2. Ward running for:


3. Areas that fall under the ward:


4. If you were elected, what would you focus on and why?

First and foremost I will challenge the superiors in office to bring back our municipality office because it’s difficult for our elderly people to pay rent. I will make services more possible for my people; and use the operational budget to close potholes and do other necessities in the community.

5. Why should the community vote for you?
I am a community member and a people’s person. I’m a community builder and more interested in my people and their needs. I’m someone who works well with people.

I will create more projects especially for those who are disadvantaged. I want to help build technical schools for those who are not academically inclined, and create a local hub where information can be shared for the young people.

6. Outside of your council duties, how are you involved in the community?

I am much involved in youth projects, catering for funerals free of charge, and I form part of the volunteer cleaning-up projects in Toekomsrus.

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