Get to know COPE candidate councillor André Roberts

This time we introduce the prospective ward councillors for the Congress of the People (COPE) who will be contesting the 2021 local government elections in Rand West City on November 1.

The Herald introduces to the community the Congress of the People’s (COPE) first candidate councillor in this year’s upcoming local government elections, André Roberts.

1. Name:

André Roberts, 45

2. Ward running for: 8

3. Areas that fall under the ward:

Toekomsrus, Bhongweni, Dick Powell Villas and Azaadville Gardens

4. Why should the community vote for you?

I am a reliable, radical, fair, hard worker, and people’s needs always come first. What I start I finish. I also think people should vote for me because I always treat everyone fairly, I love precision and never settle for less. Our people should always get the best.

5. Outside of local council duties, how are you involved in the community?

I am a God-fearing pastor; I do counselling (marriage, substance abuse, women and children abuse, and assist with delinquents); I assist with rehab referrals for people on substance abuse; assist and serve on the Community Policing Forum (CPF) since 2015; assist with school patroller placements and at times monitor and oversee them; I assist the unemployed with job placements and referrals on various projects in and around our community; and I also help through business forums and different stakeholders, and even social media.

6. If you were elected what would you focus on and why?

I will enforce installation of a proper accounts system, make sure we have qualified credit controllers that know ageing on accounts, know how to do reconciliations and not bill our people incorrectly on estimations; empower the youth with development programmes, entrepreneurial skills; ensure that small, medium and micro enterprises are trained, developed; ensure any work done in the community must be according to the required standard and specifications before it gets signed off or before any final payment is made to any contractor; oversight, quality assurance; risk assessments and proper financial engagements will be a priority on projects; I’ll make sure that all NGOs, NPOs and all other community structures and organisations in the community are registered and compliant with Department of Social Development and Community Safety, and are there for the benefit of our community, and that the municipality will carry out the five-year plan as per the manifesto linked to the Freedom Charter, in line with our constitutional right.

7. What past experiences make you uniquely qualified for this role?

Being a pastor I have empathy and sympathy for our people. I also have 14 years credit control experience, and construction experience since 2016.

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