Get to know DA candidate councillor Tewie Botha

Another DA candidate councillor answers a few questions before the upcoming local elections.

Tewie Botha, 68, Democratic Alliance (DA) local elections candidate councillor for Ward 9 recently answered the Herald’s questions regarding the upcoming elections. Ward 9 includes Robin Park, Greenhills west of Greenhills Ave, Greenhills Ext 2 and 3, Sungate Farms, area east of Ventersdorp Rd, Groot Elandsvlei, area north of Greenhills PnP, around Randfontein High School (RHS), around Randfontein Primary School (REM), around Greenhills graveyard, around Afri Village, Oliver Tambo, Mablomong and the sewerage farm.

1. Things I will do differently

I will utilise my vast social media networks to communicate with residents on an immediate basis; be visible on a regular basis in my ward and establish a Combined Safety and Security Centre (CSSC) with all security role players in Rand West City Local Municipality; be visible on the streets of Randfontein and curb violent/ armed attacks, burglary, vehicle theft, drug-pushing – war will be declared against the drug lords, and corrupt police. The CSSC must meet and coordinate monthly.

2. If you were elected, what would you focus on and why?

Safety and security, planning, budgeting and control of expenditure according to plan; restore infrastructure (roads, sewerage, street lighting, water supply, parks, etc) to its past world-class standards; restore Botes 1 and 2, and Tweelopies ecosystem; take legal action against illegal removal ofeucalyptus trees and plantations in Greenhills; take legal action against factories dumping fatty waste illegally in the sewer system of the sewage recycle farm.

3. Why should the community vote for you?

I’m cleaning our streets and parks of robbers, drug mules and other unwanted criminality; I’m fighting to bring unethical and corrupt officials before the law and to justice; I want to restore infrastructure, ecosystems, amenities and services to world-class standards, as well as restore the Randfontein Golf Club and parks to their former glory.

4. Outside of your council duties, how are you involved in the community?

I am also involved in the following community projects:

• Established social media security intelligence networks to reach about 700 members
• In conjunction with other SWAT, SAPS Int, CPF, Med Response, DA councillors and other local armed reaction abilities threw a security blanket over the West Rand when KwaZulu-Natal and parts of Gauteng were burning during the last national riots. Not one factory or mall could be damaged under our intelligence and SWAT Reaction capabilities

5. What past experiences make you uniquely qualified for this role?

I’m currently involved with driving projects in the community to support military veterans, I coached rugby at the club as well as on provincial and national levels, taught high school learners, trained and commanded soldiers – all of this provided me with great insight in optimising people’s strengths.

As a retired lieutenant colonel in the Armed Forces of ‘the Old School’ with regards to planning, training and discipline, my strategic deployment of people, and coordinating their command, control and communication, stretched my leadership and people’s skills to the limit.

My vast experience in leadership and change management (systematic approach in dealing with change in the organisation and individuals, like IT, client requirements development of equipment) has highlighted the importance of productivity systems that delivers results.

I have been blessed to be appointed as a SA National Defence Force (SANDF) unit commander and as a staff officer at the SA Minister of Defence (MOD), and as a retired military veteran, I am currently driving projects to aid the forces’ veterans in my area.

Another blessing was to act as a part-time lecturer at the local technical college.

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