‘Stay in school, beware of crime hotspots’ – police to Westonaria community

Bullying, substance as well as alcohol abuse and teenage pregnancy were among the topics discussed during the police's visit to Westonaria.

Police in the West Rand District as well as other stakeholders embarked on an awareness campaign by visiting two schools and the surrounding community of Westonaria on Wednesday September 29.

Westonaria Police spokesperson Sergeant Audrey Sefara said the campaign sought to educate the community on issues that they’re often prone to, such as bullying, substance as well as alcohol abuse and teenage pregnancy, while the youth were advised to stay in school.

Police interacted with learners during their campaign. Photo submitted.

“We’ve also warned the public of hotspots for crimes including hijackings, business robberies, house robberies and break-ins, murder, robberies and rape,” said Sergeant Sefara.

Residents were also told not to take matters into their own hands as they may face severe consequences because the South African law prohibits people from doing so.

“During the campaign, we handed out 1 000 leaflets, detailing various socials ills and giving people some safety tips,” Sefara added.

Bekkersdal Police station commander Colonel Phumele Matamela thanked all entities that formed part of the campaign and said, “Crime is wrong and can never be acceptable or excusable. Law-enforcement agencies should not stand by and do nothing. Any form of violence is causing instability and people can’t live in fear in their own homes while we sit and watch,” Colonel Matamela said.

Police have also reached out to residents in informal settlements. Photo submitted.

Representatives of the Gauteng Department of Community Safety, the Department of Health’s Clinical Medical Forensic Services, Community Policing Forum, Youth Desk, South Deep Mine, Community Development Workers (CDW) and West Rand District Municipality (WRDM) were all involved in the campaign.

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