
Total of 3 100 sanitary pads donated to four Mohlakeng schools

Alfred Brown (AB) Phokombe (750), Lukhanyo Secondary School (750), Phahama Secondary School (800), and Thuto Lehakwe (800) were the four beneficiaries of a major sanitary pad donation thanks to an accounting firm and mining engineering company.

A total of 3 100 sanitary pads were donated to four high schools in Mohlakeng on Friday September 17.

The donation was made possible by NSA Holdings, an accounting firm, in partnership with Cyproduction Trading (Pty) Ltd, a mining engineering company. Both businesses operate in the West Rand region.

Alfred Brown (AB) Phokombe Secondary School received a total of 750 sanitary pads. Photo: Tumi Riba.

The four schools and the number of items received were Alfred Brown (AB) Phokombe (750), Lukhanyo Secondary School (750), Phahama Secondary School (800), and Thuto Lehakwe (800).

Managing director of NSA (Pty) Ltd, Fikile Leepo said the initiative was part of the company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR).

“Mohlakeng forms part of our community and we felt it would be relevant to touch the hearts of our girl children by donating these items that are most needed,” Leepo said.

“As a society, we should always bear in mind that contraceptives like condoms are given to people for free while sanitary pads come at a cost; therefore, we thought that this donation would definitely go a long to give these young women some relief.”

Leepo further explained that there was no selection criteria for the beneficiaries, adding that it was simply a gesture to help improve the socioeconomic dynamics in the area.

Phokombe Nomfundiso Phoshoko, deputy principal of Alfred Brown (AB) thanked all involved on behalf of the school’s management.

Nomfundiso Phoshoko, Muriel Mangoejane, Mashudu Muntswu, Rebaone Phithi, Fikile Leepo and Bongiwe Kgwahla at AB Phokombe Secondary School. Photo: Tumi Riba.

“Initiatives like these will help learners show up for lessons with confidence, even if its that time of the month and time which young women can be very vulnerable to embarrassments. We are very grateful for this donation, because most of the learners in our schools come from less fortunate backgrounds,” Phoshoko added.

“They won’t have to stay at home or drop out because of their predicament, and it will ultimately help girls achieve their educational goals,” Phoshoko concluded.

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