
Taxi driver fined R20k for 2019 accident

Derah Khumalo could either serve a five-month sentence or pay the fine – he opted to pay the fine.

The Westonaria Magistrates’ Court fined a 53-year-old taxi driver R20 000 for reckless or negligent driving after he collided with a state vehicle in 2019.

According to Bekkersdal Police spokesperson Sergeant Linkie Lefakane, Derah Khumalo had the option of serving a five-month prison sentence or pay up – and he opted to pay the fine. The court issued the fine on Tuesday September 14.

The incident happened at about 19:10 on July 9, 2019 on the R93 road in Bekkersdal after the driver had ignored the stop sign and collided with a police vehicle, which was on the same road,” said Sergeant Lefakane.

Although the driver of the state vehicle escaped unscathed, Khumalo was taken to the hospital for his injuries to be treated, where he made a full recovery.

“Inconsiderate driving is one of the leading factors to road carnage; many innocent lives are lost because of this. We urge motorists to drive responsibly and be careful when they’re on public roads,” Lefakane added.

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