It’s time to heal – male social worker

The new social worker at Women Against Women and Child Abuse (WAWA) said his main goal is to achieve love, peace and harmony in society.

The new social worker at Women Against Women and Child Abuse (WAWA) said his main goal was to ensure love, peace and harmony in society.

Vincent Shoroma, 34, who was elated to be part of WAWA’s team said South Africa is plagued with many social ills that need people like him to solve – before it’s too late.

The friendly and personable Shoroma who loves helping those who have been hurt and abused, said it’s time for them to heal.

“I want to see more marriages work out instead of divorces, and I want women and children to be treated with the respect and dignity they deserve as humans. I also want to better relations between men and women,” he said.

He added this is his ultimate goal and the legacy he would like to leave behind one day. But most importantly, he said organisations such as WAWA should be valued as they protect those who are vulnerable.

“We provide mediation in conflicts, counselling, help our clients with any information, and do court and legal referrals. We also do door-to-door awareness campaigns to sensitise people to the kinds of abuse they may be prone to at home. We want people to stop normalising conflicts and also save people whose lives are in danger,” Shoroma said.

Vincent Shoroma said all he wants is for everyone to live in peace and harmony. Photo: Tumi Riba.

He would also want to get rid of the stereotypes that only women are suitable for this line of work.

“People should be given the freedom to do what they want to do; especially if they’re yearning for change in society. I enjoy this job and I don’t see why this kind of job must always be done by women; men can also do it.”

He added that such ideas are contributing to some forms of abuse that are reported daily as they create inequality between men and women, which ultimately result in conflict.

“We encourage the community to report any kind of abuse so that in the end, everyone lives in peace and harmony,” Shoroma said.


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