Young man gets 12 years for deadly stabbing in 2019

A young man has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for the murder of another man two years ago.

The Westonaria Magistrates’ Court has sentenced 29-year-old Bulelane Nyonya to 12 years in prison for the murder of Sakhile Zikhale, 39, in October 2019.

Nyonya was sentenced on Friday September 3 after he pleaded guilty to stabbing Zakhile to death.

Bekkersdal Police spokesperson Sergeant Linkie Lefakane said the incident happened at a tavern in the Tambo Section of Bekkersdal at about 02:00. The accused was also declared unfit to possess a firearm.

Explaining the circumstances of the case, Sergeant Lefakane said, “It is alleged the accused was sleeping inside the car when the deceased tried to wake him up by touching his face. Because he had been under the influence of liquor he thought he was being attacked, therefore he took out an Okapi knife and started chasing Zikhale.

After he had stabbed Zikhale twice, the victim was rushed to the Bekkersdal Clinic by both their friends where he succumbed to his injuries,” Sergeant Lefakane explained.

The matter was reported to the police, after which Nyonya was found with the murder weapon and arrested.

“He was charged with murder and later released on bail until the passing of his sentence,” Sergeant Lefakane added.

Bekkersdal Police station commander Colonel Phumelele Matamela applauded police members on a job well done and for ensuring that the perpetrator was brought to book shortly after the incident. She further extended her gratitude to the prosecuting team for finalising the case.

“A life was lost and no sentence can erase the grief the family felt; however, knowing that he will not hurt another person might lessen the pain and help the family in their healing process,” Colonel Matamela concluded.

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