Help the RandWest SPCA by sponsoring a kennel

The funds from the sponsorship will be used to maintain and repair their kennels and catteries.

The RandWest SPCA is appealing to the community to help them with their fundraiser.

Brenda Eloff, Chairperson of the RandWest SPCA said they started the Sponsor an SPCA Kennel fundraiser as the RandWest SPCA doesn’t have the funds to do maintenance on their kennels on a regular basis.

According to Brenda, anyone can sponsor a kennel or cattery, and the RandWest SPCA will then display the person or family’s name on the kennel or cattery being sponsored.

The sponsorship costs are as follows:

• Private sponsorship is R150 a month or R1 700 for a year
• Corporate sponsorship is R300 a month or R3 500 for a year

She said in the past they had numerous donors who helped them with much-needed repairs and maintenance on their kennels.

The fundraiser has no time limit and you can sponsor for as long as you would like to.

“We need to fix the gate of some of our kennels, and the cattery needs urgent attention. We would love to be able to build a concreted exercise area for the dogs as this will help to relieve the stress of being in a kennel.”

The committee and staff regularly go through the kennels to see where repair work needs to be done. This is an ongoing process for them as the buildings are old, and with old structures things need to be repaired.

“We contact companies to try and obtain sponsorship or materials at cost price. One of the largest problems we have is the labour costs involved when doing the repair work on the kennels and catteries. We would really appreciate any building companies who would like to offer their assistance with the repairs. We would thank these companies publicly both in your newspaper and on our Facebook page. We are also working at being able to issue 18A certificates.”

She explained there are 28 catteries and 90 dog kennels between the Randfontein and Westonaria SPCAs.

“We would like to thank the community from the bottom of our hearts for their support, as without this backing we would not be able to care as efficiently for the animals.”

According to Brenda, the SPCA Committee would also like to extend an invitation to the general public to visit them at both their branches. People are welcome to come and meet the animals, bring some treats and give the animals a bit of love and attention.

The community can get involved with the fundraiser by phoning Brenda Eloff on 084 505 0613, or Candice Cloete on 079 692 5237.

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