Armed robbery at high school ‘a cowardly act’

Gauteng MEC for Education slams armed robbery at a high school in Randfontein saying it was a 'cowardly act'.

Gauteng MEC for Education, Phanyaza Lesufi condemned the incident in which a principal, teacher and other staff were victims of an armed robbery at AB Phokompe in Mohlakeng on Friday, 13 August.

Read initial article here: Armed robbery at high school: Staff including principal tied up

“We condemn this cowardly act by criminal elements targeting our schools. We call on the Randfontein community to assist the police in bringing those responsible to book. We call upon law enforcement to apprehend these suspects and bring them to justice,” Lesufi said in a media statement.

Lesufi’s response came after staff members of the school, including the principal were robbed of items such as cellphones, cash, jewellery and five school laptops.

In the same media statement he said initial reports indicated that two armed men arrived at the school on Friday afternoon after gaining entry onto the premises under false pretences.

The men claimed to have a scheduled appointment with the principal, but instead they held several people hostage and stole various items.

In the same statement, Lesufi said, “It is alleged that the men sought to gain access to the school’s strong room, and were explicitly looking for an employee in charge of the strong room keys. The men fled the scene in a getaway car without gaining access to the strong room.

All employees who were held hostage walked away unharmed, and will receive counselling from our psycho-social unit on Monday, August 16. Police are investigating the circumstances surrounding this case.”

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